Emmanuel Macron promises French teachers to start above 2,000 euros net

Steph Deschamps / August 26, 2022

French President Emmanuel Macron promised on Thursday that the upgrading of French teachers' salaries would be pursued so that none of them would start their career at less than 2,000 euros net per month.
Speaking to education officials gathered at the Sorbonne University in Paris for the start of the new academic year, Mr. Macron spoke of a continuation of the general pay rise begun two years ago, so that no teacher starts his or her career at less than 2,000 euros net per month.
This will allow for about a 10% increase in pay compared to the status quo , added the French president. He also proposed that teachers commit themselves on a voluntary basis to additional missions such as the individualized follow-up of students, in exchange for remuneration.
This year, more than 4,000 positions have not been filled in the French teaching exams, according to figures from the French Ministry of Education. In secondary schools, several subjects are far from being filled, such as German, classics, physics and chemistry or mathematics.
These recruitment difficulties, linked to a crisis in the attractiveness of the profession, have led to fears of a tense start to the school year in France. However, the phenomenon is not unique to France: all European countries (are) facing increasing recruitment difficulties, suggesting a real crisis of attractiveness in Europe, according to a French parliamentary report published in June.
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