A truck and its driver have been missing “for 24 hours” in a giant hole in the street in Tokyo.

Steph Deschamps / January 31, 2025
The accident occurred on Tuesday morning in Yashio (north of Tokyo) when a gaping hole six meters deep and ten meters wide formed in the roadway, sweeping away the vehicle and its driver.
“Rescue operations have been continuing for 24 hours, but we have no contact with the driver,” a fire department spokesman said on Wednesday morning.
At the start of the night, a second chasm formed just a few meters from the first, right in the middle of a crossroads, just as rescue workers were extracting the truck body from the first hole, separated from the cab still underground.
The fire department spokesman said that local residents had been evacuated within a 200-meter radius.
The driver had been able to communicate with rescuers until early afternoon on Tuesday, but the rescuers had to move away due to the instability of the area, another fire department spokesman told AFP.
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