Joe Biden arrives in Brussels for a summit on Ukraine: here are the first images of the American president on Belgian soil

Sylvie Claire / March 24, 2022

Joe Biden arrived in Brussels this Wednesday evening before starting a very busy schedule.
Air Force One, the Boeing 747 carrying U.S. President Joe Biden coming to Brussels for three international meetings on the war led by Russia in Ukraine, landed Wednesday around 9:05 p.m. at Zaventem airport, more precisely on the runways of the Melsbroek air base.
Joe Biden, coming directly from Washington, was to be welcomed by Prime Minister Alexander De Croo upon his arrival.
His plane landed in the middle of a massive security detail that included a federal police helicopter orbiting in the sky above the airport and armed men stationed near the press area.
U.S. President Joe Biden then arrived at the U.S. Embassy in Brussels around 9:45 p.m. with his armored car The Beast and a long column of cars. He will spend the night there. Tomorrow/Thursday, he will participate in the NATO and EU summits to discuss the situation in Ukraine.
The surroundings of the embassy are closed to traffic. This is the case of a part of the park of Brussels, the rue Ducale and the pedestrian part of the boulevard du Régent. On arrival, the police were present en masse to keep onlookers at bay and temporarily block traffic. The entire rue de la Loi was cleared so that Joe Biden could get to the embassy without any problems.
Joe Biden is scheduled to attend three summits on Thursday - of the 30 Nato countries and the G7 (United States, Canada, Germany, Italy, France, United Kingdom and Japan), also at Nato headquarters - and then join the heads of state and government of the European Union countries - which will be dominated by the invasion of Ukraine launched by Russia on February 24.
The U.S. president will then travel Friday and Saturday to Poland, a country on the front lines of the Ukrainian conflict, according to the program released by the White House. He will meet with his Polish counterpart Andrzej Duda to discuss the invasion of Ukraine by Russia.
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