Drama in a nursery in Lyon: a baby of 11 months dies, the nursery nurse, exceeded by the crying of the child, admits having poisoned him

Steph Deschamps / June 25, 2022

It is a real tragedy which occurred within a private nursery in Lyon. The employee of this last one killed a baby of 11 months, by making him ingest a toxic product.
This Wednesday, June 22, a little girl of 11 months tragically lost her life in a nursery in Lyon, France. According to the information of Jeanmarcmorandini, the firemen arrived around 8 am in this private nursery, in order to help the child, who was unconscious.
The baby was rushed to the hospital, but unfortunately did not survive. While an investigation had been opened for manslaughter, the only employee of the nursery in which the child was, has just admitted that she had sprayed and then made the little girl ingest a caustic product.
Placed in custody, the employee explained that she was exasperated by the child's crying
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